PAU Resources for Castilla y León

Exam practice in our books for Bachillerato

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Burlington Skills Content:

1. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answer by citing the corresponding words or sentences of the text (2 points; 0.5 points each).

2. Answer the following questions using information from the text. Your answers should not be a literal copy of the text, although some words that appear in the text can be used (2 points; 1 point each).

3. Find one word in the text for this definition (0.3 POINTS):
4. Find a synonym in the text for each of the words below (1.2 POINTS; 0.4 POINTS EACH):

4. Multiple choice option exercise. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question (a, b, c, or d) according to the information given in the text (1.5 points; 0.5 points each).

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words
(3 points).
Opinion Essay

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
For and Against Essay

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
Narrative Text

Burlington Mindset Content:

1. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answer by citing the corresponding words or sentences of the text (2 points; 0.5 points each).

2. Answer the following questions using information from the text. Your answers should not be a literal copy of the text, although some words that appear in the text can be used (2 points; 1 point each).

3. Find one word in the text for this definition (0.3 POINTS):
4. Find a synonym in the text for each of the words below (1.2 POINTS; 0.4 POINTS EACH):

4. Multiple choice option exercise. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question (a, b, c, or d) according to the information given in the text (1.5 points; 0.5 points each).

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
Opinion Essay

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
For and Against Essay

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
Narrative Text

Burlington Outlook Content:

1. Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answer by citing the corresponding words or sentences of the text (2 points; 0.5 points each).

2. Answer the following questions using information from the text. Your answers should not be a literal copy of the text, although some words that appear in the text can be used (2 points; 1 point each).

3. Find one word in the text for this definition (0.3 POINTS):
4. Find a synonym in the text for each of the words below (1.2 POINTS; 0.4 POINTS EACH):

4. Multiple choice option exercise. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question (a, b, c, or d) according to the information given in the text (1.5 points; 0.5 points each).

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
Opinion Essay

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
For and Against Essay

5. Select and write the composition that you prefer from the following options. Use between 120-150 words (3 points).
Narrative Text

We are still working on the content for this book. Check back soon to learn more about Learning Skills. Thank you for your patience!