Integrates content and Competential learning
Students develop their productive skills through a wide variety of up-to-date topics, text types, including a culture magazine, and cultural and communication video materials.
Think Ahead combines integrated skills work and practical productive tasks with solid vocabulary and grammar presentations to develop learning competences and life skills.
Think Ahead is a modular-based course covering two thematic areas each term. Short sections build up to motivating collaborative projects that bring together everything that has been studied in each module.
Carefully structured tasks and projects give students the opportunity to express themselves in real-life situations.
These include Quick Tests, Use of English Tests, Competences Assessment, as well as Progress Check materials for students.
For The Teacher
  • Teacher's Manual (interleaved with Student's Book)
  • Class Audio
  • Teacher's All-in-One Pack
  • Digital Teacher's Resources in My Burlington with:

    – Interactive Classroom with fully interactive whiteboard materials + Burlington’s unique online/offfline hybrid software
    – Test Factory and Other Editable Resources with all the material from the Teacher’s All-in-One Pack in editable Word format
    – Burlington ESO Grammar Factory with ready-to-use grammar exercises and a varied bank of build-you-own grammar exercises, enabling teachers to create their own exams at the touch of a button and save them for future use
    – Burlington ESO Culture Bank with cultural and cross-curricular screens and quizzes

All teacher’s materials are FREE for Burlington users.

For The Student
  • Student's Book
  • Workbook
  • Interactive Student
  • WordApp

Also available: Catalan Workbooks; Basque Workbooks