Outlook puts the LOMLOE requirements into practice. It's an exciting and accessible course that offers solid preparation for university entrance examinations while covering all the official requirements for Bachillerato.

A new Outlook on English
Outlook provides an easy-to-follow and systematic learning process. The Grammar Basics section provides additional controlled language practice. The Looking Back page at the end of each unit offers vocabulary revision, as well as oral and written production tasks for practice. The Life Skills appendix also focuses on effective use of language in real-life situations.
Outlook offers a wealth of engaging content in its units, enriched by culture, information and practical functional language videos.
Burlington Outlook’s clearly structured units promote language acquisition while developing comprehension and production skills in a practical way.
While offering solid preparation for the university entrance exams, Outlook provides plenty of opportunities to develop all the key language competences, including wordbuilding and pronunciation skills.
The All-in-One Pack includes video worksheets, competences assessment tests and evaluation, learning standards evaluation and collaborative projects.
For The Teacher
  • Teacher's Manual (interleaved with Student's Book)
  • Class Audio
  • Teacher's All-in-One Pack
  • Interactive Classroom with interactive whiteboard materials, Test Factory and Other Resources and audio
  • My Burlington includes further teacher's resources and complete exams for all regions.

All teacher’s materials are FREE for Burlington users.

For The Student
  • Student's Book

    NEW Learning Situations and Mediation Booklets
    (Free with Outlook 1 and 2)

  • Workbook
  • Interactive Student
  • Wordlist Plus

Also available: Catalan editions – printed; Basque and Galician separatas
