Advantage is a clearly organised, challenging course that offers an innovative approach to preparing for university entrance examinations while covering all the official requirements for Bachillerato.

Give your students an Advantage!
The Life Skills Extra section in each unit of Advantage develops key practical life skills such as preparing a CV, completing an application, etc.
The All-in-One Pack includes video worksheets, external exam practice, learning standards evaluation and collaborative projects.
Advantage is a challenging course that integrates communication skills in a clearly structured way and encourages word acquisition with a special Vocabulary Review and Extension section in each unit.
Each unit of Advantage incorporates both culture and information videos related to the English-speaking world, and practical functional language videos.
For The Teacher
  • Teacher's Manual (interleaved with Student's Book)
  • Class Audio
  • Teacher's All-in-One Pack
  • Interactive Classroom with interactive whiteboard materials, Test Factory and Other Resources and audio
  • My Burlington includes further teachers resources and complete exams for all regions.

All teacher’s materials are FREE for Burlington users.

For The Student
  • Student's Book
  • Two-in-One Workbook and Exam Advantage
  • Interactive Student
  • WordApp

Also available: Catalan editions – printed; Basque and Galician separatas.
