Give your students an Advantage!
The Life Skills Extra section in each unit of Advantage develops key practical life skills such as preparing a CV, completing an application, etc.
The All-in-One Pack includes video worksheets, external exam practice, learning standards evaluation and collaborative projects.
Advantage is a challenging course that integrates communication skills in a clearly structured way and encourages word acquisition with a special Vocabulary Review and Extension section in each unit.
Each unit of Advantage incorporates both culture and information videos related to the English-speaking world, and practical functional language videos.
For The Teacher
  • Teacher's Manual (interleaved with Student's Book)
  • Class Audio
  • Teacher's All-in-One Pack
  • Interactive Classroom with interactive whiteboard materials, Test Factory and Other Resources and audio
  • My Burlington includes further teachers resources and complete exams for all regions.

All teacher’s materials are FREE for Burlington users.

For The Student
  • Student's Book
  • Two-in-One Workbook and Exam Advantage
  • Interactive Student
  • WordApp

Also available: Catalan editions – printed; Basque and Galician separatas.
